Academic Support Services/Instructional Services
Academic Support Services/Instructional Services provides academic resources to assist you to achieve your educational goals. Our classes in quantitative literacy, communication, and English as a Second Language provide a foundation for success in the curriculum. You can access further support during your academic career through the Communication Resource Center and the Daniel M. Soref Science & Mathematics Resource Center, as well as peer and instructor tutoring, course-based study groups and workshops. Support services and accommodations for students with disabilities are also available.
2021 - 2022 Instructional Services Annual Report
Students access these resources based on self-referral or referral from advisors or instructors.
Office Hours:
Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday: By appointment
Sunday: By appointment
For more information call 414-382-6016 or 800-933-3401, or e-mail